I have always made a point of playing with the very best players I could convince to play with me. One reason was to learn from them, but the other more dominant reason was to 'ride their coattails', to use THEIR superior talents to cover up my own musical deficiencies. So, in that regard, I am doing exactly the same thing as many arranger players. One difference, though, is that you have to bring enough to the table to get them to perform with you whereas an arranger KB is much more tolerant about who can play with it. You need only shell out a few grand to Guitar Center, sneak it past the wife, plug it in, select 'one-finger mode', and voilą', you're off to the races, baby; an instant 'pro'.

As far as Arrangers and Jazz, strange as it seems, I think 'Big Band Jazz' is one of the things Arrangers do best (in Style mode). The problem, though, is how many Big Band type numbers can you do before they all start sounding the same. Of course you can then switch to other (less effective) styles but by then the bloom is off the rose. Exceptional vocals, however, can make most of these negatives go away but how many exceptional vocalist do we have here playing arranger KB? I count maybe 5-6 here on SZ, speaking of which, hope Joe Ayala is recuperating well; he's one of the best.

Now as far as DonM driving to Atlanta to hear me play, I would definitely advise him to donate that gas money to charity (preferably Vets); Lexington, yes; Atlanta, no.

Happy holidays, everyone. Drive safely going back and forth to those holiday gigs. Remember, the life you save could be MINE.

smile smile

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]