"As far as Arrangers and Jazz, strange as it seems, I think 'Big Band Jazz' is one of the things Arrangers do best (in Style mode). The problem, though, is how many Big Band type numbers can you do before they all start sounding the same. Of course you can then switch to other (less effective) styles but by then the bloom is off the rose. "

You do exactly the same as any other creative musician would do Chas .You start to play different chord substitutions and progressions to take the same song and make it more interesting. How many times have you heard "autumn leaves" but each year some creative type takes the same song and twists it ever so slightly so it does not sound the same each time it played .

Most owners of these keyboards (arranger keyboards ) don't even realise that the style will change according to the chord substitutions they use ,so the same style can have multiple colours in terms of bass lines guitar riffs etc just by playing more exotic chords than just major or minor ones . And if you ever get tired of expanding your chording skills You can change some of the instrumentation, change the drum kit or the bass or rhythm guitar , and when you get tired of that you can start to copy and paste elements of other styles into the old style . Our friend Ian calls the "Frankenstyles " !

You can create many interesting and actually great styles within the same genre by mixing and matching styles . And when you get tired of that you might actually want to try to reprogram bits of the style maybe starting on the bass and drums , and when you get tired of that.........

Learn a new song ! Had my keyboard 10 years and the rose is still blooming and I have not purchased a new style yet from the thousands out there ignoring the thousands of free ones available .

Tomorrow I am taking part in a carol service ,the same service I have been doing for the last 5 years and pretty much the same carols but each year they are done differently . Some times with a full live band , sometimes myself with singers and guitarist , sometimes just my arranger and choir .

It's only our creativity that might be limited . You said correct at the top of this post . It's not the keyboard it's definitely the musician .

Edited by spalding1968 (12/19/14 02:31 PM)