Oh my! Excuses excuses, because you guys are to lazy, or to ignorant to learn to play correctly. I'm a sax player yet I can play more than one chord every four bars, and Oh my. Excuses excuses because you guys are to lazy, or to ignorant to learn to play correctly. I'm a damn sax player yet I can play more than one chord every four bars. Yes while singing. You guys sound like a bunch of pussies crying in your beer... Maybe you're stretched to far trying to drink too often, chasing too many women, playing too much football, too much pool hall, sitting on the beach or just not qualified up on top to do this. Hey some people will never swim the English Channel, and really don't possess what it takes to figure this out, eh? Ever think of that. Many of us could never build a jet plane. What can I say, but get the book that will help you learn the correct chords. You don't need to hit a chord with every note. Why in the hell do you change what I'm saying. KISS Keep it simple stupid but play the Right chords. After a while you'll be saying to yourself. Geez! Boo was Right it is just as easy to play the right chords as it it to play the stupid all ate up with the dumb-ass wrong chords, HUH? Those of you with a thinking brain may even say ,why didn't I listen to him 15 years ago when he first tried to explain this to us. Maybe I'd be a 3/4 ass musician by now instead of the same old half ass musician. eh?
I did this in 2001 when I got my first and only Korg i30 arranger. I was learning to play chords on the keyboard to tunes, I was learning to singing, (never sang before, I was a sax player remember) I didn't know the lyrics,I was singing the lyrics out of a "Real Book" or typing them out and was nervous as hell cause I never did this before and never owned a mini disc recorder in my life and was learning all of this at the same time. Some of my genuine friends claim that even being a Cajun, that I may be a genius who just can not make the hundreds of dollars that many here seem to have made for 50 years or more years.

How's about comparing those guys posted over the years with much better recording equipment than me, much better arrangers than me ( in their opinions) and been doing it for 50 years and I was doing it for maybe 3 or 4 months, always while trying to tear me up that I'm a sax player remember. Half of you probably do not understand or appreciate what I just said. That's OK I forgive you. Perhaps some here suffer ADD and could not read all that I said here and will never understand and to those of you in that condition, my sincere condolences.

The chords are out off the Real Book. I even know some better substitutions now with b9th etc. well here goes.
I'm not prejudiced, I hate everybody!! Ha ha! My Sister-In-Law had this tee shirt. She was a riot!!!