I am utterly amazed at what this camera can do, especially when I look back to the days when I worked in the WBAL news room and the camera guy lugged around a huge, Ikegami camera on a shoulder harness, and 35 pounds of batteries on his belt pac, and hoped that he could get 30 minutes of video in before the batteries dropped dead. This thing provides 4 hours and 40 minutes of video on a tiny, lithium battery the size of a pack of matches.
Donny, I just downloaded the GoPro editing program, which has lots of features, and it has been updated several times since that video, but I did find the fish eye removal feature, which takes about 10 minutes for a 500 meg video, which is the size of the one I uploaded. It's a slow process, and it does not remove all of the fish eye, but it helps. Just another learning curve for this old man to stumble through.
All the best,