This may seem off-topic but it's really not. I think one's view of what and where music is in their life is going to vary considerably depending on whether one is an amateur-level home player, a semi-pro weekend warrior, a true professional, or a 'household name' (aka Superstar).
When one thinks of it in the context of how well it facilitates making a living vs. how well it does in terms of bringing you personal satisfaction, you are using two vastly different rating systems. Except for a handful of 'pro's' here, most rate their arrangers on the basis of personal satisfaction. For the most part, the 'Pro's' are perfectly happy with their arrangers (Zuki is a good example of that) and change mostly as a result of temporary 'gear lust'. For at least the last 15 years, arrangers have been able to cover the requirements of the average gig played by the performers here. It is unlikely that their gig schedule has been altered (increased) by changing or upgrading keyboards every five seconds. In many cases, the busiest musicians/performers are using duct-tape specials from days of yore

Let's face it, it's not so much the arranger you're bored with, it's just that it's easier to get a new toy than expend the energy to delve deeply into the potential of the one we already have. And then there are the 100%, non-apologetic, all-out GEEKS, who just like all the new buttons, lights, and switches (and can't bear to be a generation behind on anything

). JMO.