ME!! I mean......I am the most boring aspect of my keyboard. I get nothing but pleasure whenever I played any of my past keyboards. This Genos is no different. It's played the same way as my old PSR days. Of course it sounds much better. There are a few things I have done over the years to help with the monotony of playing styles.

I always play full chords with the left hand. Playing full chords makes me think a little more on what I am doing and where my song is going, especially when playing more difficult keys. Playing different keys with their real notes instead of using the transpose button is something else I do.

Most of the Yamaha arrangers I have played have 3 intros and endings and 4 style variations. Except for the first intro and ending I find them phony sounding. Much too busy. I use the fade function (probably too much) a lot to gradually wind the song down. It's also easy to get in the habit of playing the style variations 1 2 3 4. They seem to build themselves up that way. I've been experimenting a lot lately starting a song with the 2 or 3 variation and un-building to the next verse.

So far I have played my Genos more hours weekly than any of my Tyros's. It does have a sparkling attraction to my ears. Many of the simple songs I record and play are done with far fewer mistakes. More practice is the probable culprit but I must give Genos some credit. I am definitely mentally connected with it when I play......and there is nothing boring about that !!! -charley