Hi Anthony,

What a great discussion this is!

I for one would be very interested in trying some of your PR songs. I traded in my KN6000 for a PR54. I don't know how compatible it would be with your PRs but I've found that all my style disks and music disks from my KN6000 and the ones I download for the KN7000 work just fine.

I laugh when I think about going from a High End Keyboard to a Low End Piano but it has so many of the KN features that I barely miss anything. With about 50 style disks I have plenty of varity. I just have to spend a couple of minutes finding and loading a style and since I only play at home that's not a problem. The bigger amp, speakers and weighted keys are wonderful.

I do hope that someone will start a discussion group for the PR series since I looked all over the net and I can find anything about the PR54 except the normal ads and the technics lit.

(Sorry if this comes through twice the first one did not look as if it was submitted)
Heather- Leesburg, FL PR54