Very thought provoking guys really know each other....

So, yep, that's exactly what I am doing, going back to organ, BUT I will have a SX-900 on top, a good 61 MIDI keyboard on bottom, and maybe a pedalboard, we'll see.
I am a member of the wood shop here where I live (55+ community) so I may even build a cabinet of some sort eventually, meanwhile I have a good way to stack them with a nice close fit, overhanging keys etc.

When I get it set up, I'll post a photo. And when I do a nice song on it, I'll post that too.

I thought about importing a Yamaha organ from Japan, but I can do as well or better with the SX-900 as the core. I even found a expression pedal with 2 side switches (TRX Organ folks have it.)
Lee S.