I love music, and playing it. When I discovered others enjoyed what I played, I started performing. I liked pleasing people; performing per say not so much. I always felt like I was sharing my music with my audience. I didn't have the presence, or even ego, of a lot of other entertainers. My success came from playing what people wanted to hear in the style they expected to hear it. It became a lot of work with the 5 pc band, with glimpses of fun here and there. So it wasn't so hard for me to give up last year. I remained available for single work until recently. Almost all of my equipment is gone now and I don't miss the load/unload/setup/teardown/repeat.
I do believe the ability to walk away depends on personality, and necessity to move forward. Some thrive, and even depend on the attention and affirmation of an audience. Personally that wasn't the case for me. My satisfaction came from getting it right from my point of view.
Right now life has taken a turn, a good one even with physical difficulties, and I've realized I did what I originally set out to do for awhile and am satisfied with that. I miss it sometimes, but not for long. My performing days have their place in my personal nostalgia...and I'm ok with that. On to the next..Donny, I wish you well along with anyone else facing the challenges of change.
The older I get, the better I was..