A couple days ago, I took a detour home from the VA Hospital at Perry Point, Maryland, drove down to the mouth of Deer Creek where it empties into the Susquehanna River, put the van in park and watched the river flow by. It was cold, windy and nasty, but in the van, life was good. I got to thinking, which is rare these days. When spring arrives, I wondered if I could make the 50-foot trek up the bank to the railroad bridge, cross the bridge and get to the rocky outcrop on the opposite side of the creek. If I could, I would set up a lightweight lawn chair, bait up a size 1 wide gap hook with a glob of night crawler and catch of blue catfish or maybe some northern snakeheads. I really didn't have a keyboard thought in my mind - just wanted to sit in the spring sunshine, catch some fish and have fun.
Donny, maybe you should think more about ways to have fun - GAS surely doesn't cut it. Take Nancy and Donny JR out on one of the many headboats that run from the Jersey Shore, catch some fish and enjoy what little life you have left on Planet Earth. There's a lot more to life than You Tube and GAS.
Your friend,