Originally Posted By travlin'easy
Additionally, there have been no mortalities in people over 50 years of age, worldwide.

There seems to be more arm-chair specialists with absolutely no medical background or training making brash statements about this disease, especially in the press, where the motto is "If it bleeds, it leads."

Gary :cool

So whom do we believe?!? I don't know ... confused1 :

"What we know and don’t about the Americans who died from coronavirus
At least 23 of the Americans who have died were over 70."

… "and people aged over 50 experienced the highest rate of deaths"

"In Italy, a country with one of the world’s oldest populations, a March 4 analysis by the national health institute found that of the 105 patients who died from the virus, the average age was 81. This put a 20-year gap between the average age of people who tested positive for the virus and the deceased, the institute said. On Friday, an ICU physician in Lombardy — the epicenter of Italy’s outbreak — told JAMA there have been only two deaths of people under the age of 50."

Cancer, heart disease, diabetes, suicides, humans, mosquitoes, and snakes are not contagious ...

Yes, the media LOVES to expound on any disaster,near or far, but I do believe CAUTION is the key right now ... AND washing your hands, including your wrists ...
just sayin'
t. cool