he "CAVED"???? He's the president of the United States and he was exposed to people KNOWN to have tested positive for the virus. Didn't he have a responsibility to the country, not to mention his family and staff, to insure that he was not infected? I'm truly sorry for the state of your health and wish you nothing but the best, but when one is so blinded by political ideology that they can't accept the truth in the face of overwhelming evidence, then it really taints your credibility in every other area. The entire world is shaking in it's collective boots and you think it's a "bunch of left-wing politicians with an axe to grind" and "reporters who thrive on sensationalism and half-truths". Heck, even the most rabid right-wing, MAGA-hat-wearing, gun-totin', beer guzzling, NASCAR-loving, Trumpy, is still out there stocking up on Purel and Clorox Wipes...oh, and toilet paper.
Wake up man, THE END IS NEAR!
