MANY more demos here:
These are collections of Band-in-a-Box® RealTracks demo songs, which have artist performances on the Melody track. They are different from a "RealTracks" track since they aren't generated by Band-in-a-Box®, but rather are recordings of the Artist playing melodies or solos along to the Band-in-a-Box® generated accompaniment tracks.
Artist Performance tracks are great for learning-from-the-Pros, since all the Tracks include audio (stretchable to any tempo), notation, on-screen guitar, and guitar tab. Performances typically have a melody for two choruses, followed by a solo for two choruses (one simple chorus and a second advanced chorus).Live renderingsBand-in-a-Box® RadioAll RealtracksGood for amateursGood oneMore good onesWow!!! This guy is a smooth BiaB operator!
More amazing stuff - instrumentalWow, another smooth operator!Not bad at allPiano only Don't think this one uses BiaB, but it is nice so stay it does...
Please remember that most of these could be created by just you alone whilst relaxing in you living room (or music room) - that is what makes all of this so amazing.