Yes Bernie,
It is really a breeze to create anything.
"We do this not because it's easy, but because it's hard" --JFK
It's true, BIAB is a remarkable program (totally outclasses any of it's would-be competitors). HOWEVER, what's the goal here? It's like a sophisticated musical game where you can play 'Amazing Grace' as a Jazz Waltz (with virtually no effort on your part). Very few musicians will recognize or acknowledge your talent from a composition you created with BIAB. That's not to say that it has no uses or has no value. It can give you ideas for an arrangement, help you learn a song quickly (if your aim is to actually PLAY it), or even create something that would make the original composer want to kill you

Music is such a personal thing. For me, I'd rather develop a 'signature' sound rather than create something that anyone with a computer and $99 bucks could easily duplicate. But that's just me. Your attitude towards the program and usage of it is 100% valid for YOU. As a novelty program or even as a learning tool, it certainly has value. To make it the primary basis for one's musical endeavors....I'm not so sure. YMMV. I just feel that there is no substitute for putting in the time and effort to learn to play. Arrangers are a step away from that; BIAB is one step further. Some of the BIAB arrangements are very nice; congratulations to the composers and arrangers that created them.