I bet a great many hits being played on the airways were created with BiaB. I know for a fact that some make their career & income from it.
Would love your take on the latest music created with the help of
AI - the "artists/musicians" are making a killing with it. No use kicking against the pricks. We are old - some of us even gone. On PSRTutorial they are discussing the trend of arrangers when we old folks are gone and they are 100% correct. The world & it's technology moves on regardless of our personal opinion.
We had it our way & now it's their turn & BiaB definitely caters for moving in that direction.
One thing I'll state: I am having more fun with BiaB than with anything else till now. And I thoroughly enjoyed ALL of my arrangers as well as my many contributions for every one of those arrangers. But then, that's
ME! Most of
these folks perform regularly as one man bands and notice how they use BiaB for that purpose. This planet is certainly filled with all sorts of musicians and to each his own - as long as we have fun!
I see no reason to critisize others for the specific method they choose to live out their talents.
And then a final thought - I would
LOVE to see more post
their music that they created with their specific instruments of choice over here to inspire the rest of us. Bar AJ, why do I feel so alone in doing so? There ought to be
many more topics like this one highlighting all the other great instruments being used out there.
Would it not be great if one of you would start a topic for i.e.
ALL the arrangers where others are encouraged to post their renditions of their models over here. Nice & neat & all in one topic for all to follow. I suggest keeping it in MP3 format with links to i.e. Boxnet like I do in order not to use up all bandwidth over here.
Anyways, just an idea...