Originally Posted By skude
Yes I was disappointed to see that the EC5 was left out on the PA5X, it is a "must have" for me...

There is still hope, just had a ride at the FAQ page at Korg:

Hardware Options
Q: Will there be a replacement for the EC5 foot switch?
A: The EC5 footswitch has been negatively affected by the component shortages affecting so many industries around the world.
We have to redesign it using alternative components but still delivering the same controls.
Unfortunately, the production date is still uncertain.

Pa5X-76 arrived yesterday, and at first glance and testrun, I'm feeling pretty good about the machine. 👍
Also the OS is totally different from Pa4X, and is in fact more lookalike what's on Genos.
Drives, folders and filehandling is very recognoseable as i.e. we can see when use PC.
That said, there is so much that's new for me, and asking stupid questions may happen more than often. 😁

Personally I mean it's a big drawback that there is only a Quick Starter Guide following in the box.
All manuals should be in paper / book format the same way as we always got it delivered before.
Aditional info when sofwareupdates and such occur is Ok to download as xx.pdf.

As a new user, I have to say that a member at Korgforum (Antony Sharmman) have done a great job
to make a single KST set named PA4X all Factory Resources.KST


- Pa4X All 343 KBD SET
- Pa4X OS Next 176 KBD SET

Pa4X All 414 PAD
- DRUMS & Perc
- FX
- Melodic

- Pa4X 266 Bonus Styles
- Pa4X All 504 Styles
- Pa4X OS Next 80 Styles

It's only to extract the zipfile, put it in a folder in any USB, copy into the internal drive or as I did, into a microSD Card.
Pa5 loads and play the single styles that also includes the 4 'Keyboard Set' with ease. (Similiar as Yamaha's OTS).
I'm not any good as left hand pianoplayer, but as an +/- 85% styleplayer I'm very pleased with that addon made avaiable for Pa5X!

It still remains to deside what pedal to buy for volumecontrol, and to dive into if it' possible to get it work as I want it to... 🤔

Edited by Gunnar Jonny (11/25/23 07:45 AM)
Edit Reason: Added more info. Edited some typos.
Cheers 🥂
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)