This will give you the mentality of Panasonic. A couple of days ago, I sent a snappy email to Panasonic about their no longer making a wonderful Blu Ray DVD/VHS player. They brought it out last year and it is now discontinued and people are scrambling to buy it. When it was released, it could be bought for as low as $139. It quickly went up in price and is now selling (if you can even find it) for as much as $499. This unit plays not only Blu Ray but standard DVD and VHS. The best of all worlds! They are the ONLY ONES that made such a unit so the market should have been wide open for them. When I sent them an email on their site, I wanted to know why they would discontinue making such a fine unit and that it has gotten very high ratings by those that have been fortunate enough to have purchased it. I told them that they did the same thing with the Technics KN keyboards – stopped making them. I went on with whoever is in charge of marketing should be slapped and then fired. I received a short response of “Thank you for contacting us about our products. We appreciate your feedback.” Sincerely … They addressed nothing about why it was no longer made and available.