Going on some of the styles and patterns on my Tyros 3 (some of which even have the same name) I think some, if not all, of the Technics programmes have been bought by Yamaha and I have to say, who can blame them?

As for getting some enterprising company to produce a keyboard as good as the KN7000, with the same quality and ease of use, I truly believe Yamaha are working to this end because they keep bringing out new (and expensive) add-ons which again, to me, are more than similar to the Technics ideas. They've just brought out a few new voices one of which is called 'Boy Scat' (or something similar) and it even sounds the same as the Boy Scat on the KN7 but slightly better because of course, the Tyros 3 has a more up-to-date sound system.

If it means that we get a 'super' keyboard made up with the best of the Yamaha and the KN keyboard, then I for one, am all for it and will support Yamaha all the way.

Ah well! we can but dream on.


[This message has been edited by Audrey Turner (edited 10-19-2010).]