I very seldom post on this site I just read everyones comments frequently. With that said I would like to get my two cents in. I was thinking of going to a tyros 4 becuase the old kn7 is getting old. I did not want to spend that kind of money and not know how the operating systems worked on the Tyros.
I was advised by another forum member to get the Psr S910 to see if I liked it as it has the same operating systems as its bigger brother the t-4. I took the advise which I am very glad I did. In my opinion, and this is just mine, the Kn7 was years ahead of its time. It is like the Tucker automobile. I found the sax sounds that were articilated to sound very tiny as well as the strings. I will say the Guitar sounds were awesome.
I then went to the sequencer to multi record. This was a nightmare as compared to the kn7.
To me the Kn sounds better, everyone says you have to tweak the sounds to get then to sound better. I did not have to with the Kn.
If the t-4 is comparable to the kn7 I would hope the sequencer, note editing, step recording, and being able to see all of the channels and what instruments are assigned to them at one time , has been improved.
Again this is just my opinion and I do not want to offend anyone, But I am one who went back to the Kn R. I. P. Technics