They say there's no such thing, well you have to see it to believe it I suppose, but I'm not saying what I saw was from outer space.
It was 1981 the year for many sightings and speculations of UFOs.
After what I thought looked initially like a star, this thing turned into many colours, it started to move across the sky, stopped-went brilliant red and disappeared, and within seconds I saw a mushroom shaped balloon, that I estimated twice the height and the same width of my house. It turned on it's side and glided across the roof of my home, and as it went over the road just missing the other houses I could see the top of it and it was an ultra violet light that made it glow. The stem of it started to deflate and the noise was like one of those cheap black plastic bags. I went out looking for it and thought it would of come down in the next road, but that also disappeared. I also saw Police cars racing about. It was all in our local newspaper the next day, where people had seen sightings of different things, and this went on for a week or two.
Well we called the Bristol balloon club, but was told though they have a lot of shapes and sizes of balloons they didn’t have a mushroom shape. I read many years later that a mushroom shaped balloon was also sighted in China.

Well roughly a couple of weeks after that I saw three white lights in a row manoeuvring across the sky, no noise or nothing behind them. They were to far apart to be a plane or helicopter. When I first saw the lights they were far away in the sky and looked the size of tennis balls, but as they got closer they were the size of footballs. They rotated and shot off in different directions.
With the equipment that the RAF have you would think they would of picked up on both sightings on radar. but they deny ever seeing it. huh!
