Don's right about tools. They are so specific to each of our needs. I have always been a trend setter to my peers in the biz. They look to me to try the newest, coolest stuff - and I oblige if it suits me.

I just spoke with Bose and the tower system is mono. Using 2 towers would probably result in some cancellation because of the unusually wide dispersion characteristics that this unit has.

It sounds SO good with my acoustic guitar - even dry. I can't wait to use it at the coffee shop next week.

I fiddled with a few of the preset EQ settings today, and I found a good one for my kb setup. The bass just may be enough to handle my Saturday party ..... we'll see about that on Saturday. I'll throw the JBL's in the car ... just in case I need more coverage. I don't expect to need them, but I won't let the dance floor suffer if it doesn't cut it. Maybe I'll break down and buy the second woofer. They're so light and small - if you stack 2 it's more like having 4 of 'em hooked up. The bass response really spreads out if you add more modules, and that may be just what I'm looking for.

I like the "add on" concept of this unit.
Coffee house - no woof
Small job - one woof
Dance - 2 woofs ....... makes sense to me.
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