Originally posted by Uncle Dave:
I just spoke with Bose and the tower system is mono. Using 2 towers would probably result in some cancellation because of the unusually wide dispersion characteristics that this unit has.
Awwww. That means there is always the possibility of stereo phase cancellation even using just one tower, because summing the L/R keyboard output into one mono output can have that effect. And using two towers would be way damn expensive in addition to the possible dispersion-cancellation. Well, it can still sound great for your application and as long as you're happy with a mono PA system I hope it serves you well. The no-monitor-needed thing and absence of feedback problems alone is well worth the price for many a band.
PS: if you get a chance to run a pink-noise source into them and use a real time analyzer, it would be interesting to see how much EQ they need to run flat. My old Bose speakers used to take a LOT of EQ to get an even response and even then they still had frequency spikes. That was why I eventually went to JBL EON's.
[This message has been edited by The Pro (edited 01-16-2004).]