Originally posted by Uncle Dave:
Say what you will about your favorite setup, but I have NEVER heard a one piece unit that could spread the sound around a room better than the new Bose. I'm not leading the parade - just making early observations.
I'd gladly give up stereo to have such a room-filling sound that everyone will enjoy.
You simply have to hear it to believe it. It's not like ANYthing you've ever tried.
Dave - you're going to have to admit sooner or later that you've never tried one of the Motion Sound stereo keyboard amps. You really should sometime - it IS the one-piece unit that can spread the sound around a room without having to give up stereo and without an additional mixer. And my guess-timate is that I could buy about three of them for the price of your new Bose system not counting your mixer... but still, I reserve judgement on your system until I hear it. If your Bose sounds three times as good as my KP-200s then I may get one myself someday - but that's a mighty tall order.