Originally posted by to the genesys:

I am sure in the right hands, the T2 and other TOTL arrangers can sound bad.

You mean "I am sure in the WRONG hands, the T2 and other TOTL arrangers can sound bad" of course.

Yet, I pretty much agree with most of what you've said.

Let's not forget that we tend to get defensive when we're constantly being criticized. There are enough posts to prove that. While some just brush it off, others don't. Yet there are those that do not grant Dom that right as they play on his defensiveness. How would you react if you were constantly the target of criticism.

Let's also look at the large number of posts where other brands and models are being criticized. Yet, you don't hear a single word from the makers. Does that make them better than Dom in terms of marketing their products, customer service or is it because they just don't give a hoot whether you want something improved, changed or added. So far Roland hasn't responded to Diki's lament on the Chord Sequencer. I'd be really pissed at Roland if I were Diki and not at Dom. So far Yamaha hasn't come out with a 76-key arranger eventhough the vast amount of posts that cry out for one. In more ways than one Dom does actually listen to what MS users want but he doesn't owe non-MS users a single thing.

As for the legal or illegal copying...let's not play hanging judge, okay?


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