Lanny. Congratulations ! $500 for v4 is definitely a TERRIFIC deal. I've owned mine for 1-1/2 years and LOVE my Musicpad pro V4 as much as ever, and can't imagine being without one now. Having my nearly my entire fakebook music collection (thousands of songs) stored & organized in this device with the ability to call up any song (or custom playlist) in just a few seconds is invaluable. No more fakebooks, sheetmusic, or notes to drag to gigs and rehearsals. Easy to add score edits etc right on the screen. I still consider the MusicPad Pro v4 (2nd to the keyboard itself) the best musical investment I ever made, and HIGHLY recommend it, especially at $500.
Lanny, if like most music notation program, your software supports output printing, then you'll be able to export & convert it to freehand (.fh) format (via software print driver) so it can be recognized & displayed on the MusicPad Pro. In addition, Freehand support importing from PDF, and standard image formats (PNG, JPG, etc). For optimal results, cropping & sharpening is also recommended.