Hi FireHead,
You are correct. You would simply insert the xD card into the Adapter.
The Adapter then slides inside the Smart Media Slot on your PSR3000.
You should be able to store all your MIDI files on your xD card.
You would need 3 items:
1. The Adapter:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16820163403&ATT=20-163-403&CMP=OTC-Froogle 2. The xD memory card:
http://www.amazon.com/Fujifilm-128-MB-Picture-Card/dp/B00006DY6M 3. A USB Card Reader:
You must also have a USB Card Reader hooked up to your computer
so that you could download all your MIDI files to your xD Card.
There are several USB multicard readers available.
This one will do the job.
http://www.comptick.com/us23dimecare.html So the sequence of operation is as follows:
1. Hook up the Card Reader to your PC using a USB Port.
2. Insert the xD card in the Card Reader and download all your MIDI files from your PC.
3. Take the xD Card, place it inside the Adaper.
4. Plug in the Adapter into your PSR3000.
[This message has been edited by Tapas (edited 10-08-2006).]