Originally posted by Dreamer:
Didn't it occur to you that maybe she was trying to send you a message?
Of course this was a message. My daughter was crying out as loud as she knew how at the monent. As for location - for what it's worth ....... she was in the house that her Mom & I built together .... the only home that Katie knows. I just happened to be here during that horrible time. Her Mom came in within an hour, so it was not a case of her seeking ME out. She was just home, after school tryinf to shut her brain off.
On a lighter front - June 10th marks the 3 month anniversary of that terrible day and so far, it looks like there is no permanent physical damage to liver or kidneys. The doctors said three months shpuld tell the tale ... I hope they are right.
This forum is a unique place in many of our lives. It has the warmth of a cozy fire and the roar of a gale wind .... at the same time. It's obvious that we are connected somehow, or the little discrepencies would go unnoticed.
The real fact that counts here is honesty. I have been totally honest with all of you at all times. The same way I treat anyone I care about. If being blunt sometimes, makes a few ripples in the pond ..... at least they are honest ripples. I think some of us (maybe all of us, at times) feel "ownership" of this place. We get to a comfortable place, and we express ourselves as if this was a private diary. That's probably a compliment to Nigel ..... I'm not sure, but it seems like he has created a safe haven for all, and we respond in turn.
I think this issue has been drawn out enough. The long-timers here all know pretty much all there is to know about each member, (or at least what they THINK they know about each of us,) and the newcomers are finding their way, so I'll end my potion of this character debate with this:
Right or wrong - you will always get my REAL opinion. You will get it straight from the heart, or the trenches of experience.... wherever I store it. My intent is to share and to enlighten, and to absorb the same from each of you. Let's face it .... we really DON'T know anything about each other here ..... just what each of us LET'S you see. We make up our minds based on the matertial printed, and it may or may not be the real thing. This forum is a stage in itself, and we ALL perform on it. We show off, we act out our dreams and we share genuine feelings with a "captive" yet invisible audience. What better way to perform? No stage fright ...... no eyes glaring up at you .... time to rethink a line after it's been delivered. This is a majical place that allows us to step outside of the confines of our lives and post who WE think we are.
Taking all this into perspective ..... I think it's pretty cool that we are here at all. Arguments are a healty part of communication, and are inevitable in all relationships. This forum is no exception.
Scott ..... I'm not at all jealous of your piano, or your car, but thanx for adding to the soup anyway. It wouldn't be the same without commentary from all sides of the fence.
Don ..... Happy now?

Bet you're sorry you ever started this one, huh?
Esh ..... I'm ok if you're ok.
It finally stopped raining for TWO days in a row, here in the Notheastern US. Whew! What a spring THIS has been. Maybe tensions were high because of some kind of sun-depravation ..... kind of like what goes on in Alaska during the extended period of moonlight. Who knows.
Like Porky Pig says :
... a bippita, bippita, bippita ... that's all folks !