Originally posted by Dreamer:
DrDalet, I had the same timing problem you were referring to. I have seen that it can be overcome editing an existing multipad (instead of creating a new one from scratch); another advantage is that all the settings have been arranged already.
In my case I would have to edit everything, voices, play notes, correct reverb and panning, so why not start from scratch?
I have some ideas about the timing problem.
Originally posted by Michael Bedesem:
If you desire, I will attempt to discover the problem. Please send the file and how you encounter the problem to mpb@sover.net
Michael, I noticed that the timing mistake
always occurs after I use the variationbutton again to trigger a fill-in. If I press a multipadbutton on the first beat right after that, it starts late or on the wrong count. If I wait a round, it is OK. If one of the multipads was already running, the next multipadbutton I press is late. Somehow the multipads timing derails.
So my next test will be playing without breaks and fill-ins, press the button always on the first beat of a fourbar sequence and see if the problem still occurs.
I also noticed that variation B, C and D are 4 bars, but variation A only 2. So I already made variation A also 4 bars, so everything has the same barlength (also the multipads are 4 bars each)
If this doesn't help and I have no more ideas I will gladly send you the file to have a look at it.