With the recent news that Yamaha is foregoing PSR2000 software downloadable FlashROM OS support and instead requiring owners to take their keyboards into a repair shop for OS upgrades, I thought it a good time to find out exactly what features (bug fixes) the current replacement chip(s), OS 1.02 (main program), will include. As far as I know, it only includes:
1) Registration Memory: supports saving 'fingering type' selection
2) Registration Memory Contents: Change storage of Left Voice setting from 'style' to 'voice' checkbox.
Are the above 2 bug fixes worth the inconvenience of possibly being without your KB for days (perhaps weeks!)? This will be a tough decision for me. I primarily play in split keyboard mode, so Registration Memory support for saving 'fingering type' isn't critical to me, though I definitely see the merits of being able switch fingering modes within a song ei: starting a song in regular 'fingered mode' and switching to 'full keyboard' during the piano solo. I would probably use the feature this way myself, but unfortunately the PSR2000 doesn't recognize chords very well (when soloing) in 'full keyboard' mode. I only wished that Yamaha would have included better 'full keyboard mode' chord recognition in the chip update. Yamaha's decision to move the Registration Memory 'contents': Left voice from 'style' to 'voice' area (checkbox) essentially allows you now to easily store the voices ONLY (can now select voices checkbox only) in Registration Memory, and then freely select any/all styles using voices (main, layer, left) saved in Registration Memory. This really is a cool feature because it allows you to store various voice (instrument) setups such as: Country, Techno, Pop, Jazz, etc, and pull them up quickly to be used with MANY MANY styles.You can easily customize new OTS settings for a style if you like from these Registsrations as well. In spite of earlier OS versions not supporting this, I was able to figure out a work around solution to the problem of not being able to save left part with the Reg Memory Content's voice parameter (checkbox). This involves creating a style called 'blank' and then deleting it from user memory. This is only a partial solution though because when you turn the freeze button off, and switch reg memory buttons, the style will automatically revert back to variation A. Hopefully the new OS update included in OS 1.02 eliminates this problem. Perhaps Carlos, Linda, or another PSR2000 owner who has OS 1.02 (main program) can report back their findings.
Will I sacrifice my PSR2000 to a repair shop for a week to gain the above fixes? hmmm . . . good question. I'm really not sure yet. Interested to hear if any other bug fixes or new features are included in OS 1.02 (main program). Also wondering if Yamaha will be coming out with subsequent eprom chip (?!) updates to correct other reported problems (vocalizer speedy mouse/karaoke girl issue reported by Don Mason, support in Registration Memory of: intro/ending variation settings, and vocalizer type selection & mic settings etc. Who is going to take their PSR2000 in for an OS 1.02 update chip replacement?! Step right up.
Superbowl time . . . bring out the chips!
- Scott