Hi Sergiu, welcome to the forum.
I have an XP60 and the only real problem I've had is trying to record an LFO patch (square wave) in the sequencer. When I play the patch by itself to the sequencer click (not actually recording), it sounds fine. But When I try to record the damn thing, it sounds all messed up, skipping & generally weak. Other than that, I'd stick with the XP60, as I am also using it with CubaseVST , and it seems to work fine. Although, what I do is sequence the song in the synth, save it to floppy as a midi file, then import that file from the floppy into Cubase & use the "remix" funtion. I haven't actually done any sequencing in Cubase, as I find the XP60's sequencer does the job quite nicely. I may try sequencing in Cubase eventually, but I'm still learning the program

BTW, your english is quite good

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