Originally posted by kbrkr:
Ok, so we've seen some good 1st impressions of the Tyros 3, but now that you folks have them for a few weeks and are getting deeper and deeper, can we have some more evaluations.
A few weeks???? You're joking right Al?

It's only been a few "days" since people have received their T3's but who's counting right?

I'd like to know more thoughts and opinions on the T3 myself. I too find it kind of 'strange' that the excitement is no where near the excitement people had when the T2 came out. Which leads me to the conclusion that there's not much to get excited about??

If someone could post a few T3 Drum demos that would be nice.

Yammie gave us "their version" of T3 drum kit demos and nobody got too excited about them. Bill (Wersi) said the T3 Drums are the best thing since sliced bread and you have to hear them in person. Okay.... But in the "meantime" a few T3 Drum demos done by T3 owners would help pacify us until the other 99% of us

who currently don't have access to a T3 to hear it in person, if they could step up to the plate and hit a few our way until such a time the rest of us can play a T3 in person.

That is, if you don't mind. Or do you...

THAT BAD huh??

PS: Even though I won't be getting a T3 myself, by evaluating the T3 sonically, including the Drum Kits, it will help in determining how Yamaha is advancing sound wise. What better way to do that than by fellow members who actually own a T3 and are willing to share T3 demos with us. >> Not factory demos on the T3 per se, but User demos if possible.


[This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 10-10-2008).]