Hey all. After looking at the patch content of the Latin expansion board, perhaps what was thought to have been the SRJV19, may just as well be the latin.
The Denmark site states that the majority of the patches on the Latin Expansion Board (SR-JV80-18) are dedicated to Acoustic & Electric Guitars, Brassand Percussion. As a matter of fact, there are 57 Acoustic Guitars, something like 20 or more Brass patches (Ens & Solo) and lots of auxiallry percussion.
With Roland's improved sampling techniques and implementation of the 8MB available, I can't wait to check out these new sounds.
In truth however, it seems that there is a SR-JV80-19. This board will be called the "House" expansion board. However, I know nothing of this board becuase it's listed only on the Japanese site - I can't read japanese.
The Infamous EPU.