#26382 - 03/28/01 01:38 PM
Re: Roland should..
Registered: 01/25/99
Posts: 149
Loc: Port Moody, BC, Canada
Hi Zeratul,
I agree with Bungle that I don't feel it is Roland's duty. In regards to the XP-30, I'm not sure how many sounds come with it. I own an XV-5080 which comes with many banks of presets already out of the box (User bank + Banks A thru H). This is without any expansion boards.
I, too, have a ton of patches. I always have tight deadlines so I haven't even listened to all of them (I also own a few other keyboards and modules).
Anyway, if the stock XP-30's sounds don't do it for you, why on earth did you buy it? I'm assuming that you have other uses for it. If you don't have the inclination to program these types of sounds yourself and can't find any to buy, then maybe you should buy a Korg keyboard. You could maybe pick up an 01/W which will do many of the types of sounds that you're looking for. There are 3rd party sound developers out there as well that you can try which may offer sets like this. Don't want to buy any but want them for free? Well, Korg won't help you out much either when you're looking for new sounds not present on your keyboard. I own a Trinity Plus and any of the extra patch banks for it from Korg must be bought. They are not freely downloadable.
Anyway, I don't mean any offense by my post but there are options for you in the form of 3rd party sound developers (check out the Roland section of this site at the bottom of the page I believe) or you could get a used 01/W by Korg.
HTH, fv
#26383 - 03/28/01 05:51 PM
Re: Roland should..
Registered: 12/08/99
Posts: 272
Loc: USA
\\This matter bugs me ever since I got full access to the Internet.Roland(unlike Korg)doesn't seem to care much for the developement of patches and banks for their line of synths,leaving the programming and tweaking to the user.I am not a sound designer,I am a composer.So what am I supposed to do if I need a lot of "etherical" pads and "fantasy" effects for my new age ambiental music?\\
Ouch. You bought the wrong synth. Better not to stick with one brand of synth, no matter what. Next time shop around before you buy. Roland makes stuff with good pianos , pipe organs and flutes, but not much else.
The Clavia synths and Korgs are excellent for ethereal and fantasy sounds. The drums sounds on these synths are also an incredible strong point.
I was a hard core roland user too. I would only look at rolands. Then I decided to try something else, and my eyes have opened.
Also, Korg isnt exactly helpful in releasing new patches and combinations. Fortunately, there are some great people making these for the users. The xp-30 is a nice synth, to be sure. Just don't expect it to do new-age, ambient, or electronica very well.
The Triton patches are all user re-rightable, every one.
#26395 - 04/01/01 01:54 AM
Re: Roland should..
Registered: 03/20/01
Posts: 847
Loc: Nashvville TN
Editting patches is the way I prefer. Let me inform all present that I am a completely blind individual with an XP-80. I can even edit my own patches. I've created very many patches, from improved pianos, to strings that sound much better for glissando, to accorddions, to horns, to cup mutes for brass, to choirs, etc. I also have a few expansion boards, and I find myself tweaking a few patches for my own taste even on those. I will say they are short on pads, which is fine with me.
My point? If a blind guy can manipulate the synth, anybody can.
[This message has been edited by FAEbGBD (edited 04-01-2001).]
#26400 - 04/06/01 11:20 AM
Re: Roland should..
Registered: 01/01/01
Posts: 217
Loc: usa
XP30 owners--and a pretty large number of them at that--have from the very outset been well represented on the original JV/XP mailing list (see lilchips.com for details). In fact, I *left* that list because after a while the owners of the older series had largely figured out their instruments, and the newer postings were so often from new XP30 owners. That the XP30 has certain expansion boards built-in shouldn't affect interchange between owners of the various instruments any more than it affects owners with the same (or different) boards installed on the earlier series.
It sounds as if you're focusing largely on not being able to find patches--but in that sense, even earlier series owners don't exchange all *that* many patches. There are already so many available. For example, have you already downloaded and auditioned the four or five banks or preset patches from the older JV1000? That's a lot of patches in itself.
What happened on that list was basically that people struggled for a couple of years to get to know the instruments, exchanged some patches, posted some patch banks, learned how to program and tweak patches, and went about making music. When I left the group, most of the questions involved interfacing the XP30 (or earlier instruments) with various computer setups.
There are *so* many patches available for these instruments, and *so* many options for tweaking them, I think people generally find what they want, program presets or patches they find on the net, or just tweak presets (as I generally do; I'm not really a programmer) for their music. Most of that kind of thing (individual patches tweaked for a certain song) never gets posted or uploaded anywhere. The thinking is probably: Why bring sand to the beach?
I have never expected an infinite number of patches to be availabe for *any* instrument; there is already so much exchange and so many patches available.