Perhaps the way that women get treated in other parts of the world will change when we start to refuse to trade and do business with their societies, no matter how cheap their prices are..? Financial isolation is the only tool short of all out war that can change a culture.
And, I'm sorry to say, the women of the wealthier nations are as much to blame for this than their male partners. Want to change how China treats women (and girl babies) in their culture? Stop shopping at WalMart... Don't buy anything with Made in China (or any other repressive country - not singling China out, here) on it until they have at least the rights our women do. Of course, YOUR standard of living will drop for you to make this point, but it's the only thing that will have any REAL impact. Boycott Middle Eastern oil, boycott African countries' products, put up with LESS in your life, to pressure a culture for more equality in theirs...
It will soon become apparent whether you DO care or not...
But, this talk of 'total equality' is utter nonsense. The only time the genders will be completely equal is if there is no gender at all
(not MY idea of a good time!). More and more scientific research shows us that men and women's bodies and minds work in quite different ways, completely independent of culture. This is NOT an excuse to treat them differently, but I think it IS a reason to not expect us all to react, behave or view the world identically. Women, on the whole, tend to be more cooperative, more collaborative, more communicative and more likely to be supportive of each other than competitive males. Which might be a reason so few take the time to get involved here..?
Let's face it, making music on an arranger is quite possibly the easiest of just about any musical task short of playing a kazoo
And those that DO want technical information are usually found on the specific forum or their particular keyboard (which tend, for obvious reasons, to be FAR less combative than here) and there usually only enough to find out what they need. Other than that, what does SZ offer in the way of playing tips, music appreciation and general support for each other? Not a whole lot, I am sad to say.
This is a 'General' arranger forum, which tends to imply that it is for the discussion, comparison of 'general' arranger topics rather than machine specifics. And what else IS there but comparison, opinion and counter-opinion once you take away the simple 'how do I format an S910's HD' type of question, better suited to a PSR forum? Cooperation and collaboration is going to be difficult to engender when we all play different arrangers, and each of us is convinced we have the best?
Plying competitions (or eJams if you prefer) wither on the vine or devolve into rancor. Tips and Tricks go unremarked. Suggestions for new ways for manufacturers to coax more 'real' performances from our machines get little response. But diss the S910's keybed, or the Audya's sampler, or the Roland's weight, and NOW you have a discussion!
Maybe women ARE the 'better' sex, just for staying away from such unproductive topics?