Hi Bernie,
Thank you for your kind words - they are really appreciated and it's nice to know that my efforts bring pleasure to friends across 'The Pond'
You are welcome to use any of my material within the 15 'Songs 4U' Volumes on my website, which are all in KN7000 format.
Most of the songs within these volumes are included on the WMA Page of my website, so you can audition them prior to downloading them in KN7000 format. Unfortunately, I have not referenced the songs on the WMA page to the KN7000 volumes, since there did not seem to be any need to do so. However, it may be worth considering during a future update.........
I am working on some more 60s/70s songs at present, to add to the repertoire of my 'Duo' and will make them available soon. Meanwhile, if there is a particular song which you would like me to consider, I will certainly do so. I derive considerable pleasure from creating these backing 'styles' and the challenge keeps the 'Old Grey Matter' active and also keeps me out of mischief