Spalding, you hit it "right on". I rent to a guy in my building who plays all saxes, oboe, flute...all reed instruments and is retired from the musicians union on a full pension.
He tried to play with me in a trio, but can't play a note without charts. My B-3, drums and "whatever" plays it fast and fours, medleys...key changes...modulations, etc.
He couldn't do any of those things. He was a Vegas pit player (first chair on oboe) for most of the famous shows and entertainers (Sinatra,Barry Manilow and lots of others.
He does a single with tracks now, with sheet music for every tune.
A director of music programs at UK is the same. When he came into town, he asked for a gig, and the country club asked if it would be OK. I said "sure". He got out his music stand. I sent him home.
He still can't play an extemporaneous note if his life depended on it.
Good observation,
Edited by captain Russ (09/15/12 01:45 PM)