Hello all! I donīt know if someone can help me, but iīm struggling with a question that i canīt understand about bass on audya arranjer.
Iīm gonna explain with an example in order to make it easy to understand ..
Suposse that iīm playing a song on arranjer with any bass line ... that goes with sequence D minus / F major / C major major ... when iīm playing it sounds nice , because when i change from "D" to "F" the octave in the bass it will go down.
Now i make a change decreasing the tone in (-3) .. i will be playing now in following sequece (the same but with -3)
: B minus / D major / A major ..
So my problem is that my line has changed in octaves ...
D major will be played in an higher octave that had played my F chord or note, in first sequence and i didnīt want.
I wanted to go down in this sequence too, and note make the goes down in this D major. I wanted D major (second chord that i play) in a lower octave than B minus, the first chord that i play) ..
I tried to change all configurations for bass in style mode but i canīt reach my objective, iīm thinking now that itīs not possible, because the arranjer always play the notes in the same octave, and the arranjer always play B note in a lower octave than D note, is this really true ?
I would really aprecciate some help, because i donīt have anybody to help me, and i would really like to understand if this that i want is it possible or not. If you want i can explain it better what is my problem. I tried my best ..
Best regards to all,
and thanks your assistance
Edited by ricardo (11/28/12 04:06 AM)