Many of the internet demos are quite good and there are also several videos explaining the various features and functions. I'm surprised they're showing up at retailers in the U.S. so quickly. Korg gave a timeline of roughly around the 1st of September for the U.S. market so I guess production is running ahead of schedule.
Frank is providing a wonderful service in that he is able to get new products in stock that other dealers can only dream about getting. For instance Guitar Center and Sweetwater don't even list the PA900 on their websites. People that don't have issues buying 'sight unseen' are at a great advantage because they get to experience new ground breaking product(s) in some cases weeks and possibly months ahead of everyone else.
Albeit I am one of those people that like to try before I buy so I'll probably end up waiting until they show up at my local dealer. I'd hate to buy one from Frank and then end up sending it back if it didn't meet my expectations. I'm guessing it will indeed meet my expectations but I want to try it out first before I fork over $2,000. Shipping costs to return it are an additional headache. These decisions are not made lightly but I congratulate every synthzone forum member (and others) who don't mind purchasing a keyboard sight unseen. Frank also thanks you.

I hope you sell a boatload Frank! You're providing a valuable service to your customers and you and George Kaye of Kaye's Music Scene are the best! Keep up the good work!
PS: The PA900 has a similar color scheme around the button and knobs area that the PSR-s950 has. Which concerns me quite a bit because the PSR-s950, as we know, can be really difficult to navigate in low-light situations without an additional light source. I'm hoping the PA900 doesn't have that same peculiar anamoly that afflicts the PSR-s950/750. Somebody who already has the PA900 might be able to shed some light on the subject. No pun intended by the way.
All the best, Mike