I have done a slow jazz ballad style. In the ending, I have a bass set at 1060 length. I know you are thinking, wow, that is a long sustain. It works beautifully because I am in pianist mode and I can retard my ending and as I play chords, the bass changes to the proper note with this long sustain. I have soft drum symbols and sounds that retard in a very natural way. It works beautifully. However, the bass has a natural fade built into the sound. As I am playing chords on the ending, the bass gets weak. This bass is a custom bass sound that I did and is saved in Sound Memory that I use in the style done in Composer. Since it is a custom bass, I went in and checked the filters on making changes and I see two pages and columns for fade and another for no fade. I have pressed the buttons for no fade and they show but they don't stay. They go back to the default settings. Does anyone know how to keep the bass from fading? I don't want the sustained bass to fade two measures into the ending. My ending is 5 measures long. I hope I have made myself clear. I would very much appreciate any help on this.