You needed that VLT2 like a hole in the head! Besides - you need a PEDAL to use it best! lol

no one even congratulated me on
11 months clean of switching keyboards, got the S-950 since February...certainly a record for me .. but I Know Dave's
unfreezing is very contagious!!

I hope to make it one more month and have one year under my belt.

...IMO the VL1,2,3 are Much Too HUGH to carry around to gigs what is TC thinking? And to complicated for the normal player...a simple small unit is what we need on stage like the Hm only with an upgrade to "TALK" to KB's in a more friendly way..

It shouldn't be bigger then the Harmony M in size.

better yet Yamaha should completely redesign the so called
improved VH2 which is still an underachiever in the tracking department for sure

......I hope they are reading this also.