Originally posted by Fran D:
As some of you know we have an annual Keyboard Jam in Florida. March 2007 will be the third. As the organizer, I have asked our members for topics for Work Shops during the Jam. I have received several.
To spur some interest in the Forum and
provide input for our work Shops I will be asking input on different subjects for use in our Work Shops and at the same time forum members will gain knowledge through your replies. Lets start with:
How Do You Organize Your SD's???????????
Fran in SC
I don't do any of the systems put forward.
I just load each registration onto the sd cards then enter them in a binder (ie sd1 sd2
etc) and rely on the alphabet system to
recall them. As I don't do gigs other than playing at our Organ & Keyboard club when its my turn, it is not nescessary to have a more sophisticated system.
Derek Munson