Ketron_AJ Moderator
Registered: 03/21/01
Posts: 3610
Loc: Middletown, DE
Originally Posted By Impuls
Very nice , but it isnt how it sounds direct from the units . lets show it live playerd on these models , than we can judge the right way .
Videos showing the units being played will be released soon. However ... this IS how it sounds direct from the units ... when used with an external sequencer DAW ... OR when you play your sequence/Midi file directly on the unit. All the sounds you hear (drums, bass, brass, guitars, organs ...etc) ARE INDEED from the respective units - the question is ... are they created with sequences/DAW or with Styles (partial sequences) and lead/right hand performance (which is what most Arranger players do - and probably what you are refering to above)? The recent demos put out by IMMUSIC (in collaboration with KETRON USA) are of both types - Sequences and Styles (and these are clearly defined at the begining of each video).
Ketron_AJ Moderator
Registered: 03/21/01
Posts: 3610
Loc: Middletown, DE
Originally Posted By Uncle Dave
On line demos don't tell the whole story. Touch it. Play it. Then you can tout it's praises. Key feel affects tone, and every player has a unique touch. Audio demos just serve a purpose to whet the appetite. You gotta play the darn thing before you fall in love with it. I admit, the demo's sound good, but that's not enough for me.
Uncle Dave ... you've done just that with the SD7 AjamSonic. What's your take on touch, key feel, instrument build, styles ... etc?
Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 12800
Loc: Penn Yan, NY
AJ, You know I loved the sound and feel of the SD7. There were just a few quirks that made it a misfit for me. It was also a bit large. My trunk is small, and stages are tight. If I remember correctly, the harmonizer had issues with smooth changes using a foot switch. That's critical for me. I turn it on and off many time within a song, and I need seamless control. Your products are like Maserati's, but I'm a Ford man all the way.
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Ketron_AJ Moderator
Registered: 03/21/01
Posts: 3610
Loc: Middletown, DE
Originally Posted By Dnj
Originally Posted By Impuls
Very nice , but it isnt how it sounds direct from the units . lets show it live playerd on these models , than we can judge the right way .
Ditto....I agree let's hear it out of the box no Logic processing to have a clear picture of its sound...
Donny ... this IS how it sounds out of the box and maybe I should explain a little more detaily so non arranger folks reading this thread understand better too.
If you buy a new SD90/SD9/SD7... etc, unbox it, load in YOUR MIDIFILE that you created on your DAW/SEQUENCER or Sequenced on the unit itself, and hit play - this is HOW it will sound ... just as all the SEQUENCED demos sound on our latest releases. In other words, YOU recorded all the individual tracks either on your external DAW or our internal sequencer/style editor/LaunchPad (depending on the product in question).
Now, if you buy a new SD90/SD9/SD7 ... etc, unbox it, select a style and select a lead/right voice and start playing it, - again, this is how it will sound ... just as all the STYLE SPECIFIC demos sound on our latest releases. The AjamSonic/Gold Pack styles are ofcourse more 'creative and intune with music from the Americas' and utilize more 'intelligence' but the concept and sound quality is the same.
To differentiate between the 2, Curt of IMMUSIC clearly mentions at the begining of each demo if it is a sequence demo (case 1 - which will benefit those musicians and studio engineers who want to create substance from scratch, but using our sounds and technology) ... OR a style demo (case 2 - which wlll also benefit musicians who still want to create from scratch but with the help of style templates, AND those who want to play live and control Arrangements).
Having said that - the question I am hearing is folks want to see more Style demos and watch how the style is selected, voice is selected, unit is set up and played. Am I correct?
Very nice , but it isnt how it sounds direct from the units . lets show it live playerd on these models , than we can judge the right way .
Ditto....I agree let's hear it out of the box no Logic processing to have a clear picture of its sound...
Donny ... this IS how it sounds out of the box and maybe I should explain a little more detaily so non arranger folks reading this thread understand better too.
If you buy a new SD90/SD9/SD7... etc, unbox it, load in YOUR MIDIFILE that you created on your DAW/SEQUENCER or Sequenced on the unit itself, and hit play - this is HOW it will sound ... just as all the SEQUENCED demos sound on our latest releases. In other words, YOU recorded all the individual tracks either on your external DAW or our internal sequencer/style editor/LaunchPad (depending on the product in question).
Now, if you buy a new SD90/SD9/SD7 ... etc, unbox it, select a style and select a lead/right voice and start playing it, - again, this is how it will sound ... just as all the STYLE SPECIFIC demos sound on our latest releases. The AjamSonic/Gold Pack styles are ofcourse more 'creative and intune with music from the Americas' and utilize more 'intelligence' but the concept and sound quality is the same.
To differentiate between the 2, Curt of IMMUSIC clearly mentions at the begining of each demo if it is a sequence demo (case 1 - which will benefit those musicians and studio engineers who want to create substance from scratch, but using our sounds and technology) ... OR a style demo (case 2 - which wlll also benefit musicians who want to create from scratch, AND those who want to play live and control Arrangements.
Having said that - the question I am hearing is folks want to see more Style demos and watch how the style is selected, voice is selected, unit is set up and played. Am I correct?
Thanks ... I hope this is now better understood.
Understood Aj.......I cant complain about the KETRON sound that I always loved on all my ketron units thru the years.....Instructional demo vidEos on how to use each feature just like the ones KORG always produces
it really makes a big difference if your sitting on the fence to buy a ketron product it's a MUST!!...good luck..
Registered: 06/17/18
Posts: 314
Loc: New Symrna Beach, Fl.
Interesting feedback and much appreciated. As AJ mentioned, there is no studio magic or tricks taking place. The sound you hear in all of the videos we have released is 100% "out of the box." Some tunes take advantage of AJAMSonic styles and or voices but quite a few are using what we call the "factory" voices. Maybe we should do a video showing how we put a tune together.
We are considering starting up some online webinars to go over various features and how to use them. Would that be something folks would be interested in attending? If so - what type of topics would you like to see covered?
And just for fun and to keep the discussion interesting - Watch for a new video coming out on Friday where we demo the Grand Piano and a few of the Church Organ sounds. We did have a comment on one of the other posts asking about an orchestral type demo. We are working on something to show what the SD* series instruments sound like.
Curt MIDI, Music and Keyboard Fun!
Interesting feedback and much appreciated. As AJ mentioned, there is no studio magic or tricks taking place. The sound you hear in all of the videos we have released is 100% "out of the box." Some tunes take advantage of AJAMSonic styles and or voices but quite a few are using what we call the "factory" voices. Maybe we should do a video showing how we put a tune together.
We are considering starting up some online webinars to go over various features and how to use them. Would that be something folks would be interested in attending? If so - what type of topics would you like to see covered?
And just for fun and to keep the discussion interesting - Watch for a new video coming out on Friday where we demo the Grand Piano and a few of the Church Organ sounds. We did have a comment on one of the other posts asking about an orchestral type demo. We are working on something to show what the SD* series instruments sound like.
we look forward to it for sure.......many people have asked me what is the difference between the Factory Ketron products/Modules vs the AJAMSONIC versions of the same units,..... In detail A/B comparison videos of each would clear up all the confusion IMO would that be something we can look forward to in the near future to make the choice easier to buy?
Ketron_AJ Moderator
Registered: 03/21/01
Posts: 3610
Loc: Middletown, DE
Originally Posted By Dnj
Originally Posted By IMMusic_Curt
Interesting feedback and much appreciated. As AJ mentioned, there is no studio magic or tricks taking place. The sound you hear in all of the videos we have released is 100% "out of the box." Some tunes take advantage of AJAMSonic styles and or voices but quite a few are using what we call the "factory" voices. Maybe we should do a video showing how we put a tune together.
We are considering starting up some online webinars to go over various features and how to use them. Would that be something folks would be interested in attending? If so - what type of topics would you like to see covered?
And just for fun and to keep the discussion interesting - Watch for a new video coming out on Friday where we demo the Grand Piano and a few of the Church Organ sounds. We did have a comment on one of the other posts asking about an orchestral type demo. We are working on something to show what the SD* series instruments sound like.
we look forward to it for sure.......many people have asked me what is the difference between the Factory Ketron products/Modules vs the AJAMSONIC versions of the same units,..... In detail A/B comparison videos of each would clear up all the confusion IMO would that be something we can look forward to in the near future to make the choice easier to buy?
Definatley will work on answering this on a AB video soon. In a nutshell (while waiting), the answer to this question is ... the AjamSonic versions do not take away anything from the factory/standard versions but add more professional sounds (WITH articulation in woodwinds and guitars), styles (especially designed for the Americas (such as focus on Bigbands/Jazz/Funk/Carribbean ... since most arranger styles generally tend to favor the European market) and some features like the new Live Guitar mode in the Audya series. It also offers the option of adding more memory (up to 256mb in Audya series) or storage (up to 500GB) in sd9 pro, sd7, sd40/60/90 and Midjay pro.
Interesting feedback and much appreciated. As AJ mentioned, there is no studio magic or tricks taking place. The sound you hear in all of the videos we have released is 100% "out of the box." Some tunes take advantage of AJAMSonic styles and or voices but quite a few are using what we call the "factory" voices. Maybe we should do a video showing how we put a tune together.
We are considering starting up some online webinars to go over various features and how to use them. Would that be something folks would be interested in attending? If so - what type of topics would you like to see covered?
And just for fun and to keep the discussion interesting - Watch for a new video coming out on Friday where we demo the Grand Piano and a few of the Church Organ sounds. We did have a comment on one of the other posts asking about an orchestral type demo. We are working on something to show what the SD* series instruments sound like.
we look forward to it for sure.......many people have asked me what is the difference between the Factory Ketron products/Modules vs the AJAMSONIC versions of the same units,..... In detail A/B comparison videos of each would clear up all the confusion IMO would that be something we can look forward to in the near future to make the choice easier to buy?
Definatley will work on answering this on a AB video soon. In a nutshell (while waiting), the answer to this question is ... the AjamSonic versions do not take away anything from the factory/standard versions but add more professional sounds (WITH articulation in woodwinds and guitars), styles (especially designed for the Americas (such as focus on Bigbands/Jazz/Funk/Carribbean ... since most arranger styles generally tend to favor the European market) and some features like the new Live Guitar mode in the Audya series. It also offers the option of adding more memory (up to 256mb in Audya series) or storage (up to 500GB) in sd9 pro, sd7, sd40/60/90 and Midjay pro.
Prince AJ thanx for the clarification between both,... can't wait to see more demos on this subject and more. Maybe another road trip to the "LAB" is in order too lunch on me..