Hey Gerrit,
Old Grampa Doug has been around a long time. I thought I have seen everything. Every time I say that somebody comes up with something I never saw. My rich uncle gave me a free two and a half year cruise to most of the islands of the pacific in the fourties. The only area I did not see was Europe. Played my sax and licorice stick over many waters. Ruthie made the remark one time I should have drowned them while I had a chance. She was elated for a while after I lost my teeth and had to quit the band. She was not her old self. Too happy and too content . The quiet was more than I could endure. To remedy this I invested in my first KN. Very good I thought but still too soft, not like the old band. Good speakers, big speakers, some for each channel. Now we're cooking. Ruthie was her old self. Great. She got her gripes back and I lost a little more of my hearing. Just like old times.
All this american music. Learning all the chords and jazz chords. Now in my old age there is somebody rocking my boat. Gerrit why are you doing this to me. Why do they do things in the Netherlands to through me off here in the US of A. I know an A chord. I know an Amaj chord. I know an A sixth chord, an A ninth, an Am, an AM, A -5, A +5, A sus4 and a Amaj69 and a few more, but what in the heck is it when you throw a (s) into the mix? Asmaj69?
I asked Ruthie, when I play my beautiful music for you and those beautiful chords float through the air into those cute little ears of yours and I ad a (s) to the chord, what do I do to the chord. Easy she retorted. You do that many times without even trying. I do? I said. Well how does it sound I said, expecting I did something wonderful for a change. Maybe it sounds sort of continental I mused. She brought me back to reality when she gave her opinion of what the (s) meant. It means you sound like S_ _ _! Ruth I should have had more sense than to ask you. Your
just ticked because you think I play too loud. All my fans like it. The only kind of fans you need is to blow the stink away she quipped as she walked into the kitchen.
Guess I'll just have to ask Gerrit. What kind of a chord does adding an s make it?
Grampa Doug
Grampa Doug