Originally posted by Bob Hendershot:
I guess when you get in your mid 70's it takes a while to sink in. It seems to me that pushing the erase button in the sequencer edit functions is much less "button pushing" than punching in new measures. I think those of us in a position to do so, should press for corrections to these sorts of software shortcomings when we can, rather than finding a new path around the barn, and going no further.
First of all I never suggested that improvements cannot be made, just gave the quickest and easiest method using the present arrangements.
Secondly, let's look at "It seems to me that pushing the erase button in the sequencer edit functions is much less "button pushing" than punching in new measures":
Let us assume that erase in the control track worked as you desire, Bob. We have a song a hundered measures long and we want to erase the ending.
I go to auto punch with around the same number of button pushes to get to step record. When there I can DIAL in the start and stop measure virtually instantly. I start the song hold down the chord for one measure, the song automatically stops and the job is done.
If I did this in step record with your suggested superior method, I would need to press measure down a hundred times to get to the right place before I could erase the command. So not only does my method require the least effort with the present system, it remains far easier, with far less button pushing, even if the operating system was modified in the way you suggest