Crossover, sorry but every one knows that the New York Times are pro Democrates as are NBC and other News outlets.
The Democrates (around 48%) have been saying that there has been fraud in the way the voting has been done in the pass but now they say it is all ok.
Here is too things that "does not prove anything" but are focusing on what legally Trump is doing; and how it is shacking up............ at the moment. who is in whos' pocket? Makes you think ........ happen back with Al Gore, also with Kennedy etc etc contesting the vote has happened many times, and it is the US system that allows it. With Kennedy, it appeared that even the one in the local cemetery all voted ( not sure which one) for Kennedy agaist Nixon. So, it is not a fool prove system of voting and/ or a straight forward one.
We will just have to wait and see what happens, so pull up your chairs and get your drinks and pop corn; please someone write a good song about alll this......please!!! It will go down in history and will lighten up this dull and horrible year, if the song gets to No.1 on the charts.