Hi Bernie - How ya doin' ?
The Control Track generated during an Easy Record sequence, is, as you suggest, Track 6. To access the Control Track editing screen, press Program Menus > Sequencer > Record & Edit > Step Record > 6/CTL. The cursor will appear at beat 1 of measure 1. You should see a single asterisk in this position, indicating that an 'Control Event' is recorded here. However, you need to be aware that there can be several 'hidden' Control Events in this same position. These 'hidden' events can be seen by pressing the CURSOR '>' and '<' buttons and the function of each event will be shown in the box at the bottom of the display. For example : If you just Easy Record a short sequence and then follow the button presses listed above, to view the Control Track editing screen, you will see the first event is 'TOTAL EXPRESSION = 127'. This is the initial overall volume setting and you can change this level by pressing the 'VALUE' buttons. Press the Cursor '>' button and second event 'TEMPO =xxx' (where xxx is a value between 40 and 300) will be shown in the box. Again, you may change this by using the 'VALUE' buttons. Press the Cursor '>' again and you will see 'RHYTHM START' - assuming that your sequence started with the SYNCHRO & BREAK option.
As the sequence progresses, additional Control Events such as Panel Memory changes, Fill-Ins, Technichord On/Off, Transpose, Style Variation changes etc. may be recorded in the Control track. Again, there may be multiple events 'hidden' under a single asterisk.
If you wish to edit some of these events, for example, in incorrect Panel Memory change which you made during the recording, play back the sequence and make a note of the Measure number in which you wish to make the change. Stop the sequence playing and access the Control Track editing screen. Use the 'MEAS' buttons to scroll forward to the noted measure and if necessary, use the 'CURSOR' buttons to move forward through the measure, until the cursor is placed over an asterisk and 'PANEL MEMORY X-n' shows in the box. (X = Panel Memory Bank and n = 1 thro 8). Press the 'ERS' button on the right hand side of the display. The asterisk may or may not disappear, depending on whether there is a single event or multiple events, at this position in the Control Track. Enter the correct Panel Memory change at this point, by just pressing the appropriate Panel Memory button. You should also hear a 'Beep' confirming that the new Control Event has been entered. When you have made the change, press the Sequencer 'PLAY' button and audit you sequence. If you wish to make further changes to Control Events, just repeat the process.
After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is Music.
Aldous Huxley
( especially when the music is played on a KN7000....)