Hi Jean Olivia

The file with the piano is probably not a zipfile, it's sounds like
a midifile the way you describe it.
How those icons looks depend of what program the file is assigned to,
and that again depends of each of the users equipment/sofware to play
these files, or more correctly, what sofware the users has set to do
this action.
Most software will "grab" the type of files it is made to handle if it
is not set otherwise when install of the program.
Then it's usually the last installed program who make the icon and
opens the file. Most often this option can be changed by the user in
the programoptions menu, or else in Windows file properties settings.
The other files you mention, as i.e. Frank's, is KN format files, and
cannot be played back on the PC. That is Technicsformat who are being
unzipped to the diskette the way you describe it.
Zipfiles is usually made in two ways, either a selfextracting package,
who will "unzip" the files when click it without any program to handle
it, or a ordinary zipfile who needs a program like WinZip etc.
Those icons also changes depending to what software you have installed,
and set to default to handle this files, and here you most often also
often can change settings (also swap icons) in the programs optionmenu.
Hope this is for any help.