Dear Russ,
we received your check for 100.00 today for St Judes hospital in Memphis. this is a hospital that is both a treatment and research hospital for children with cancer. No child is turned away because they are unable to pay. They are supported through contributions from people just like all the rest of us.
As you know my wife Jann is from your home state of Kentucky and she wants me to tell you how proud of you she is and I wholeheartedly agree with her.
It is really good of you to support other people's favorite charities including St Judes along with all the rest of us around the world. There are several musicians on my email lists that also support St Judes. I guess musicians have an affinity for sick children. I also find them to be more generous to those in need.
St Jude's will receive 1/2 of our estate when we are gone and it is our hope this will help to find a solution to this dreaded disease for small children
Thank you my friend, You are a good man.
we hope to visit you maybe as soon as next year when we Re-retire again.
Best to you and yours and all our co-supporters of St Jude's Hospital, that was founded by Danny Thomas many years ago
Bill and Jann Forrest