Originally posted by Dnj:
Don't think for one minute Roland is not reading these posts and listening to peoples needs or isn't in the process of manufacturing new arranger type keyboards. Hang in there......Patience is a virtue.


I certainly hope that someone at Roland is listening. Heck, for all I know Vic could be one of the Roland people himself . I intend my comments to be heard by Roland. If I sound a little harsh, it's because after owning Roland products and using them as my main boards for well over 10 years, I have come to realize that when I try to word my suggestions to Roland nicely, they get ignored. For years Roland had no way to be contacted - no e-mail, no contact phone # for its customers. I understand that there are the e-mail and phone number; however, I understand that this is still not the way that calls Roland's attention to the voice of the customers.

IMO, the only way to give Roland a wake-up call is to give it a kick in the arse.

I am not against Roland, I just want them to again start making products that I would want to buy. But this is not going to happen if they go after the DJ or guitar market, or start adding some wierd new controller instead of making their current keyboards more usable. And they can only do that if they listen to what users like me need. So far they have done a dismal job of listening. If we scream loud enough, this may change.
