Diki, why bother with the hassle..For a few[very few] sounds ...why screw up what the G70 does better than any other keyboard.."Sounds great as a stand alone board"

If you continue this quest..you will find sync problems[ I should say out of sync timing problems], using both units , even with a single clock..

I tried to use a Roland 5080[flagship] with my G1000, and it [5080] had glitches trying to stay with the G1000..

I also tried to hear PSR2100 sounds with the G1000 arranger playing out...The Yamaha sounds made me want to throw away the PSR2100...but I sold it[2 of them] instead..

Spend time playing the Tyros2 next to the G70, and you will get over this desire...The Yamaha doesn't bring enough to the plate...in fact it steals from the plate...

You have the best..play it

This is my opinion, so you Yamaha people stay civil, unless you have played these two side by side for any period of time..You do not know where I am coming from..

Maybe we will liven up SZ again..